Why you should eat Papaya


Benefits of Papaya:

Contains potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, C, E and B
Improves digestion and intestinal health
Strengthens immune system
Contains two of the most powerful plant proteolytic enzymes: papain and chymopapain
Produces Arginine an essential amino acid
Protects against gastrointestinal issues
Alleviates hardening of the arteries
Reduces inflammation
Heals skin issues
Fights nausea and constipation
Supports heart and cardiovascular health
Great detox
Increases energy
Eliminates parasites
Prevents UTI-Urinary tract infections
Improves muscle tone


High in Vitamin C

Baobab tree
Possible benefits of Baobab include:

Rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, Zinc, Phosphorus, Iron, protein and dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble).
ORAC value of 1,400 per gram, which exceeds all other super fruits, except Goji berry
Contains all 8 essential amino acids and is rich in pectin, triterpenoids beta-sitosterol, beta-amyrin palmitate, alpha-amyrin palmitate, sterols, saponins, triterpenes & ursolic acids.
High content of Vitamin C
Antibacterial & anti-fungal properties
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic activity
Increasing calcium absorption
Rich in triterpenoids beta-sitosterol, beta-amyrin palmitate, alpha-amyrin palmitate & ursolic acids
Supporting healthy cholesterol levels
Protect body from radical damage
Healthy digestive tract
Lower blood cholesterol levels
Enhance the prebiotic bacteria in the large intestine
Pectin great source of fiber



Aids in Healthy Digestion


Possible Benefits of Alfalfa:

Essential enzymes-assists in protein digestion
Powerful antioxidant
Aids digestion
Fat splitting enzyme
Strengthens the heart muscle
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) anti-aging properties and lessens the effects of radiation
High levels of Vitamin C and complex Vitamin A
Great source of beta carotene, contains most of the B vitamins, vitamins D, E, H and K, over 90 different minerals including alkaline Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iodine, and Iron and 19 amino acids.
Excellent source of chlorophyll
Detoxes the liver and bloodstream
Protects the blood
Encourage red blood cell production, which Increases oxygen levels
Detoxifying of the urinary tract, & urinary tract infections
Increasing your endurance during physical exercise
Natural laxative & diuretic
Helps with natural blood clotting in the case of a nosebleed
Reduces bone loss
Aids in treating ulcers
Decrease menopausal symptoms
Easing digestive problems, gastritis & indigestion
Easing joint problems, skin issues & foul breath
Reducing migraine headaches through
Reduces inflammation of the stomach lining and increases blood capillary strength
High levels of enzymes for food digestion & assimilation
Combating bad forms of cholesterol, & reduces the incidence of atherosclerotic plaques
Balances blood sugar levels
Improving pituitary gland functioning
Stimulates the immune system



A Healthy Digestive System Means a Healthy Immune System


Lean protein and avoid high glycemic carbs

75% of your Immune System is in your Gut

Over eating will shorten your lifespan substantially

Too much coffee is very hard on the liver, leading to allergies and various digestive and bowel disorders.

Stay away from any stimulates

Milk- can cause bowel and liver issues, along with inflammation

You can get more calcium from spinach and other veggies

Milk in children leads to diarrhea, constipation, anemia, skin rashes, ear infection hyperactivity

Avoid soda, sugars, sweets, fast food, and junk food like plague

When cooking use Pam, lecithin, olive oil or butter

Never use hydrogenerated or hydrogenated oils they suppress the immune system

Artificial trans fatty acids actually damage the inner walls of the arteries contributing to cardiovascular disease and also are toxic to the most fundamental aspects of energy production

Avoid going to sleep for at least 3 hrs after supper, you can’t fully digest your foods while sleep and usually lead to toxicity and weight gain.

Recipe for Healthy Digestion
Aloe Vera Gel
Chia Seed gel
Marshmellow root powder
Mushroom powder

Signs of Insufficient Amounts of Stomach Acid

 stomach acid

Signs of HCL (Hydrochloric Acid or Stomach Acid) Deficiency



Asthma, allergies or food sensitivities

Auto-immune conditions

Candida, Parasites

Celiac Disease

Chronic Hives, Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis and/or Rosacea

Depression (90% of serotonin is produced in the gut)


Gallbladder dysfunction

Gas, Bloating and Belching

Hair Loss

Heartburn and /or Acid reflux



Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis


Thyroid Dysfunction


Cayenne Pepper is Spicy Good

Cayenne Pepper is Spicy Good

Made from dried chili peppers and is known for its pungent taste and smell

Canadian natives have used cayenne in their boots as a guard against sub-zero temperatures
To flavor and color up a dish
A key ingredient in a variety of hot sauces
For its spicy flavor

Possible Benefits:
Contains relatively high Vitamin A and vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium and manganese
Increases circulation
Claimed to be a male aphrodisiac
Powerful anti-inflammatory
Supports the Kidneys, spleen & pancreas
Easing toothache & preserve rotting teeth
Promoting good digestion
Stimulating the gall bladder reflex
Healing ulcers in the mouth, strep throat & tonsillitis
Killing parasites
Aids with sore throats & coughs
Appetite control
Increasing metabolism
Reducing blood pressure
Lowering bad LDL cholesterol & triglycerides
Aiding in weight loss


Steps to having a Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract


  • Chew food thoroughly
  • Take time to eat clean healthy foods(organic)
  • Eat Probiotics like acidophilus and bifidobacteria
  • Take digestive enzymes
  • Eat raw foods daily
  • Consume optimum amounts of fiber & essential fatty acids
  • Replace lost stomach acid w/ HCI(Hydrochloric acid)
  • Did You Know that 75% of Your Immune System is in your Digestive Tract?
